

Before I could read, the only stories I would hear were that from my mother who, luckily for me, was an avid fan of the Harry Potter and Hobbit Series.

When I got too old for bed time stories (although I don’t believe there is such an age), my brother, three years my senior, made up stories that both me and my sister would listen to on the edge of our seats each night. And when he traded books for footballs, I went in search of my next adventure.

For the next decade I spent most of my spare time in the ShadowWorld, Andarlan, on the Alexander-78V, in a future where everyone is chemically enhanced, in a Grey, Red and White London, exploring fantastical lands with a book as my oyster.

And in each adventure, every journey and turn of each page, I looked for myself or at least someone like me. A black character, or character of colour.

With my age, my awareness of the lack of black characters in Science Fiction Fantasy books, grew. I couldn’t help but notice that my, “honey blonde hair” didn’t cascade down my back or that my “fair skin” was actually deep and rich.

I felt excluded, rejected from these stories – it felt like every page was a silent command to stop reading because it wasn’t meant for me.

Gradually I stopped reading. I know and acknowledge that there are books from other genres such as Contemporary Fiction and Romance that are inclusive of POC characters, but I can’t get in to these books, for me they lack that luster, that intrigue- that special something that exists in the sci-fi fantasy genre.

This is when Black Panther came out, and as an avid fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this film was something that I didn’t know I needed. And in my desperate search for something like it, I came across the term “Afrofuturism”.

Afrofuturism is a term that describes a genre of science fiction or fantasy as being “rooted in and unapologetically celebrate the uniqueness and innovation of black culture.”  (Jamie Broadnax, 2018, Huffington Post)  

I thought to myself, a whole genre just for me? Nonsense.

But, like Alice down the rabbit hole, I was on a roll. This simple term opened a whole new world for me in which I was able to re-ignite my passion for Sci-Fi Fantasy Books.

This genre is not limited to Film and Books, but spreads across multiple platforms such as fashion, art and music. I think it’s crazy and illogical that even in these fantasy worlds exclusion is written in.

Fantasy as the opposite of reality, Fiction as the opposite of fact these genres should include all of the equalities and varieties of people and worlds that don’t exist in real life. It’s in the name.


What is Afrofuturism?-



Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

The Fifth Season by N. K Jemisin


Black Panther

Janelle Monáe: Emotion Picture



By Viola Bascombe

Things to do When it’s Raining

Oh London, how I love you so…

More often than not, it’s raining in London. And when it rains, for those of us who managed to get a day off, we’re stuck inside.

On these tragic days, I find myself bored and restless, debating whether or not I have the courage to breach the drizzly storm outside in pursuit of a 20p Freddo from the corner shop.

Raining outside? Here’s a few things I do to keep myself occupied on a rainy day:

1.Netflix (or other streaming sites)

Trusty old Netflix, always there when I need a friend…. or six. Netflix has hundreds of titles and TV shows to keep you company when it’s raining (not sponsored by the way – p.s Netflix call me).

A few of my favorites include: ‘Cloud Atlas’ and ‘Black Mirror’ – all seasons, including Bandersnatch (you will NOT regret it).

If you think you’ve watched all that is good on Netflix already, and perhaps feel a little more daring, I would suggest venturing to the foreign films and TV series.

A few favourites of mine include: “Strong Girl Bong-Soon” and “Suspicious Partner” if you’re up for a good laugh mixed with a little danger.

2. Learn a new skill

Learning a new skill is not only a fun and productive pastime but also a way to discover a new hobby! Always wanted to try yoga I hear you say? Well now’s your chance!

Father’s Day is fast approaching, why not learn out how to knit a pair of socks? YouTube is a great source for tutorials of all kinds, the internet is your oyster!

I am now the proud owner of a variety of origami pigeons, cranes and doves, having learnt how to make them through YouTube tutorials. You could be too!

3.Have a pamper day!

Keep those toe nails in check and tackle those rebellious upper lip hairs or just have a nice soak with a hot beverage or a cool glass of wine, (grape juice for me).

Hit play on a Jazz (or other genre) playlist and feel the tension and stress melt away with every note and key.

Just because the weather is down doesn’t mean you are too. Blast your music as loud as you can and have a dance party! Your neighbors are probably at work, so let go and dance as if no one is watching. (because no one is!)

Sometimes that rainy day gives us the chance to take a break from our busy schedules, we are able to stay cocooned in our dens and without worrying about the rest of the world.

I personally love it when it rains, it gives me the chance to take things slowly, stop and take a break that I didn’t realize I needed.

Yes, most of the time rain is quite inconvenient, but nothing in life is perfect. 

By Viola Bascombe

Mindfulness is God’s Gift

As a species, we often have a tendency to ruminate on the past or be fearful of the future. So when an opportunity presents itself for us to be self-aware – i.e. to focus on the present –  suddenly we see the world with a very different set of eyes. 

This is where mindfulness comes into the fray.

When we decide to be mindful, suddenly the dark hues of our lives are illuminated.  

Suddenly the world starts to spin on a slightly different axis.

And suddenly our lives start to seem that much better.

So instead of worrying about what was or what will soon come to pass, why not instead be nostalgic of everything that was and hopeful about all the things that could be.

If you decide to be mindful, this way of experiencing life can suddenly become a reality.

Deriving from the ancient Buddhist philosophy on the benefits of meditation, Mindfulness has been similarly proven to be as effective within modern psychotherapy as a form of mental cleansing.    

Being mindful is a way for us to be honest, open, happy, patient and self-aware.

It’s a necessary state of mind that truly is God’s gift.

So, how can you be mindful?

  1. Watch your thoughts

There’s a quote from Professor Mark Williams – of the Oxford Mindfulness centre – in which he states:

“Some people find it very difficult to practice mindfulness. As soon as they stop what they’re doing, lots of thoughts and worries crowd in. It might be useful to remember that mindfulness isn’t about making these thoughts go away, but rather about seeing them as mental events.

Imagine standing at a bus station and seeing ‘thought buses’ coming and going without having to get on them and be taken away. This can be very hard at first, but with gentle persistence it is possible.”

In circumstances such as these, the good doctor also recommends, for instance, an exercise in yoga or some other physical activity.

  • Free yourself from the past and future

This goes without saying, but having a consistent focus on the present is the only way to achieve a ‘focused’ state of mindfulness.

  • Notice the everyday

As a follow-up, this next point is where the focus of this article really lies.

To quote the good doctor:

“Even as we go about our daily lives, we can notice the sensations of things, the food we eat, the air moving past the body as we walk. All this may sound very small, but it has huge power to interrupt the ‘autopilot’ mode we often engage day to day, and to give us new perspectives on life.”

It’s entirely up to you whether or not you decide to apply any of this in practice, but as a lesson on the topic of mindfulness, I hope what’s been written here will be of some use to you in the future…

Or should I say, the here and now.

By Lee Thorneycroft.

Embracing Change

Finding happiness in the strangest places has been a thing that is relatively new to me. Is it strange or is it just different, out of the norm?

Doing things outside of my comfort zone has been the theme for me lately. I was never the type to go out of my way to feel uncomfortable or different, I liked sticking to what I know.

Although that doesn’t include food, oddly enough I don’t mind trying different types of food. In life, change sometimes scares me.

Imagine being one way for so long and out of nowhere, like a spontaneous gust of wind, everything changes. They say sometimes change can be good and I agree but what if that change overwhelms you?

Being overwhelmed can be good but it can also terrify you if the situation isn’t embraced. I suppose that’s what I’ve been trying to do for a while now.

Here’s an example, graduating. Call it morbid or insecurities, but I thought the day of my graduation would never come. Now that is not saying that I wasn’t working hard, because I was, I just never thought it would happen.

That might be an unusual thing to say but it’s the truth. Graduating and becoming an adult, doing adult things was overwhelming but gradually I’ve been embracing the change.

In a sense, I’ve been taking charge of it all. The fear is still there but it’s not all-consuming.

Getting my first job was new for me. It’s an internship but being able to work and say ‘I have work in the morning’ was pretty exciting and in that respect I was doing what I love.

All these changes I guess you could say is all part of being an adult. Change in life is always hard. Sometimes you look at life and wonder why does change need to happen? But if you think of the evolution of life, it’s all because of change.

I wanted to run away from the constant changes in my life, but I didn’t because it wasn’t fair. You could run as far as you can but that would never stop the change from happening.

It would be like you standing as the parade is going by watching everyone else have fun and creating a story for themselves whilst you do nothing.

The meaning of the word ‘Change’ is pretty simple: to make or become different. So, it’s better not to be basic and simple but be different, evolve with the world and yourself.

That’s one of the things I am taking with me but holding that overwhelming feeling tight and let the change happen. Embrace the change, don’t run, nothing good comes from running even though it can be hard not to run.

Embrace it!

By Deanna Tuitt

Life Starts When You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

A comfort zone can be defined as a space where “activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk,” and that’s why you need to leave it.

Your comfort zone is safe, risk-free, and familiar, but life starts when you leave your psychological bubble for more stressful and scarier alternative.

It’s not a bad stress though. It’s a motivator, a positive source of fear that causes you to grow, feel, and experience new things.

As humans, we’re wired to seek comfort, which is why it’s hard to let it go. We know what’s coming and how to handle it, which helps us to stay safe from uncertainty. But outside of our comfort zone is something new, unpredictable, and nerve-inducing, as well as an opportunity to reach new heights.

Yes, it sounds cliché, and the very proposition of stepping outside what is safe to try something new might literally be a step outside your comfort zone but let me assure you that you will not regret it.

Whether it be related to a career, relationship, travel, identity, passion, or project, here is how to take the first step from safety into opportunity:

Accept and Analyze Your Feelings

It’s ok to be nervous and unsure of a situation. Exploring your anxieties can help you to better understand and cope with them. Examine why it makes you uncomfortable and work through the possibilities, both positive and negative. Become familiar with your discomfort and find solutions to tackling the issue, while easing your anxieties.

Start Small

There’s no need to immediately jump into the deep end if you don’t want to. But a good way to start is by challenging yourself to do one thing that scares you a day. It doesn’t have to be anything too large, it could be a new type of music to listen to on your commute, trying a new food, or talking to someone new. Pushing yourself makes challenge a commonplace as you begin to accept, and even enjoy, trying new things.

Say “Yes”

From accepting a new project at work to meeting new people, saying “yes” will open up many doors for you leading to new opportunities and a better realization of what can make you happy. By opening yourself up to new experiences, you can better understand yourself and possibly discover something new.

Make a List of Goals and Accomplishments

By writing down what you want to accomplish, and what you have already achieved, you can better measure your progress. Self-awareness is a step in the right direction on the journey outside your comfort zone and being able to track your progress is an essential confidence booster and motivator toward future goals.

As a source of encouragement, continue to ask yourself “what is the worst thing that can happen?” Then focus on achieving the opposite.

By: Alex Roat

Death and Life Left Behind

I am a person that has experienced death way too many times for my twenty-
five years on this earth. It is safe to say funerals are not for me neither is crying
or feeling helpless.

Those were the feelings I’ve felt through the years; I’ve always been a person
that questions everything and hoping to see the positive side of a situation.

Having to have that core factor of yourself stripped and ripped apart by the loss
of someone felt like an out-of-body experience, not the kind where you get to
see your future or anything like that.

The feeling of looking at yourself from the outside and all you see are the
fragments of your being slowly breaking with no way of repairing it. The loss of
someone that was literally the one that holds you up is the absolute worst.

A parent. The definition of a parent is a guardian; someone that takes care of
you, guides you through life but in that definition, it never states how you are
meant to deal with that parent not being able to do those things anymore.

Throughout my life I have always known one common fact, everything happens
for a reason. Would I really be human if I disagree with that notion at times?

There’s a reason for everything, yes, but that reason sometimes hinders a
person’s ability to breathe or wanting to at times. It’s a hard truth but it is a
feeling I often felt when the loss happened and honestly, still feel.

Nothing, although I often think it does, nothing fills the emptiness you feel
knowing that all the things you achieve in life, that person is never going to be
able to see it but there’s a higher being that I believe in that somewhat reassures


Yes, I won’t lie I got angry at him and I sometimes still do but I know that he is
with those that I’ve lost, and they are looking down at me. My religion… my
faith, has been one of the things that have helped me deal but it could only go so

Depression and anxiety have been things that I have to deal with. Life after
death is not fair, having to deal with the death of someone or more than one
person is not fair.

Sometimes I wish there was a time machine that I could use but I also know if
that were real it wouldn’t change anything really. Life is about growth and
shaping yourself within the circumstances given.

Have I grown over the years of losing multiple people who have impacted my
life? I believe I have. Am I more determined to make something of myself to
make them proud? That’s not even a question, that will definitely happen.

So, here’s the thing I’ve learned: death and the life that is left behind is exactly
that. Death is an experience no one likes but you lived, I lived, and I know it is
in my best interest and there’s that I live it to the fullest until we meet again.

By Deanna Tuitt

Learn To Love Yourself

There’s a hard truth in life that everyone needs to know: not everyone is going to be there for you for the right reasons. It is a tough truth to hear but it’s what we all have to come to terms with. This truth took a while for me to personally understand and there are still days when I tend to forget, but I know it’s there. 

You can be the nicest person, doing everything for everyone, and leaving yourself in the dark just so the people around you can get their chance to be in the light. Is it right? Should you allow yourself that misfortune of paving a way for everyone but leaving yourself stranded on the side lines watching their success? The answer to both those questions is,


No one should be made to feel as if the only thing that they are able to do is to help others and not take advantage of the fact that it before the others it was only you by yourself. Here’s a rule that might be worth taking, be selfish, be unforgiving of putting you above others. In the end, it will feel great. It is natural to have that unnerving sense of guilt trust me I’ve been there sort of still there, but the best feeling is you get to jump into that space of where you’re like,


No longer feeling like it won’t ever happen but feeling like it did, and you made that happen. It’s funny there would be people around you who would applaud you for accomplishing something even if it’s a small accomplishment, but they will still be there and there are people that will see that accomplishment and tear you down – they were meant to your friends. 

The feeling of betrayal from people you trusted is an unfortunate part of life. Like I said in the beginning not everyone is going to be there for you for the right reasons. It only takes one moment in one day at any time for a person to say or do something against you which then leaves the trust broken. 

You are going to have to trust your instincts that the people around you want what’s best for you. Try and cut away the negative vibes you might feel, live your life with the unforgiven feeling that you are worth more than what one person can do to you.


The feeling of loving the people around you but not being too afraid to sometimes be hurt at times when you least expect it. Love yourself more than you love others, that’s not a bad feeling to have. As humans, we are stronger than we tend to give ourselves credit for. 

By Deanna Tuitt

Planning + Life = Changes we don’t Always Expect

Have you ever wondered why life isn’t going the way you planned? I could say from experience that the way I planned my life isn’t how it turned out to be. 

Were there any regrets for that outcome? Maybe; but there was one thing I learned about planning your life, don’t plan the big things so quickly because something just might come in the way of that and ruin whatever you had in mind.

I could give you a prime example of that. I’ve always dreamed of owning a clothing store showcasing my designs and the clothes I’ve made but that didn’t happen. 

Now it wasn’t for the lack of hard work because hard work was there. The simple answer is that life happened, situations happened and for a lack of a better phrase, but my world was rocked… tested even. 

I could tell you what life and planning have in common – they both test your abilities and your strength. There’s this saying that I’ve grown up with, “the lord doesn’t give you too much that you won’t be able to handle”.

That simply means at times when the there’s a roadblock in the way of your plans there’s always a way you could overcome it and succeed. 

What you may have initially dreamed your life to be, there’s always that one other layer or window to lead you through another, even better dream. 

Now I am not saying you should abandon your first dream, I didn’t entirely, but the other dream that you may have might just put you onto a different path completely with fewer roadblocks. 

It might sound like I’m saying: 


Wrong, it’s good to plan but it is always good to leave room for disappointment. 

What I mean by that is, make your plan, do the hard work that’s needed but be cautious as well, open to any possibilities.

It’s like crossing the street –  you look both ways, left and right just to see if it’s safe to get the other side but what if you suspected that the road was clear and as you are about to take a step a car speeds up almost taking you with it. 

Don’t assume everything would go the way you intend it to because something might just come in the way of that. 

Now I’m going to say this, and I absolutely believe in this. If we don’t take charge of own life everything we envisioned for ourselves will be invalid. 

Yes, as human beings we are bound to make mistakes and things are inevitable to happen that we can’t control. But whether we plan or not just know if it doesn’t go as you’d want it to, doesn’t mean that it won’t happen somewhere down the road.

Planning and life is just another way of saying “take the road trip that is your life, try new things who knows… another dream might help expand the first”. 

By Deanna Tuitt

Get Inspired & Live Your Life

Whether you are struggling to find a job, dissatisfied with your financial situation, irritated by a relationship, or feeling unmotivated and critical of yourself, you are bound to encounter difficult obstacles.

But what distinguishes those who are optimistic and driven is how they react to such situations. It is up to you to change your attitude, take action and tackle your life with fervor and ambition, rather than pity yourself and aimlessly trudge through a stagnant life.

Below are three inspirational quotes that motivate me to refine my habits when I am feeling frustrated and pessimistic about a daunting situation.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” –Buddha

It is often true that you are your own worst critic. Rather than constantly condemning every move you make, try complimenting your achievements and speaking to yourself in an encouraging tone. When the little voice in your head emits positivity, it affects your emotions and actions favorably.

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” –John Lennon

Staying in the present allows you to appreciate those around you and experience the “now” to the fullest. If you are continuously planning ahead and worrying about the future, you risk missing the opportunities right in front you. Sometimes, you must simply accept the life path you are on and trust that where you are at the moment is where you are meant to be.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.” –Mark Twain

An effective tactic to overcome discouragement or dissatisfaction is to push yourself beyond the boundaries of discomfort and endeavor to accomplish a new task or explore a realm about which you have always been curious. Instead of fearing failure, let your guard down and tackle the unknown because you never know the benefits that may come out of it or the lessons you may learn.

By Melissa Simon

Life Through A Lens

Have you ever gazed through a telescope or marvelled at something from the lens of a camera? Chances are the answer is yes.

At that point of contact, the lens of your camera becomes what your eyes are to your brain: an observant tool, curious to discover new and yet unknown territory.

Cameras, like telescopes, like mobile phones, and like everything in between, all come equipped with that curious, all-seeing eye.

But of course, the curiosity they bring can’t exist without one very specific thing: your mind.

And as we have invented technology to enhance our ways of life, we have also crafted the means to document our lives and minds in a way that means they can be preserved for all time.

This so called invention is what we call film – A medium inspired entirely by our primal curiosity.

Films, unlike our lives, are eternal. And thanks to the aid of our unique invention, films also have the ability to alter our understanding of how we perceive time both in our real lives and in the land of fiction.

Effectively, you could say that time in movies is relative.

When you look back at the classics of today, like 1941’s ‘Citizen Kane’ or 1960’s ‘Breathless’, you see that the visions of the day, as they existed back then, carry forward into the present day.

The world as it was seen in 1941 and 1960 can now be witnessed as they were intended, now in the year 2019.

Essentially, you could claim that two different time lines have intersected; you’re now living in those moments.

And further to the point, the fictional worlds that these movies have created exist within their own time, with sequences taking place in a non-linear fashion.

Story lines and character arcs can present themselves without being restricted to time as it exists in the here and now.

Character journeys spanning several decades can now conclude in only a mere few hours, and scenarios that would normally be limited to revealing information in a linear sequence can now be rearranged into any order the filmmaker sees fit – sometimes even giving the audience an advantage over the characters.

This curiosity, as I mentioned, has shaped our entire philosophy of life. And thanks to the invention of film, the ‘simpler’ things in life have become just that much more complicated.

Movies have given way to our primal curiosity. Movies have shaped us and made us more aware of our world. They’ve also inspired us to marvel at our own creativity and experience the world from the mind and perspective of a time traveller.

Movies have given us a stronger appreciation for days gone by, for times lost and for memories thought to have been pulled deep into the depths of the unconscious.

Without movies, our innate curiosity would only be able to extend its hand so far, and life itself would seem just that little bit simpler.

What a soulless life that would be.

By Lee Thorneycroft