Entries by You Press

Riots: A wake up call for the black community

I shuddered as I watched the freakish looting on London’s streets. Fear has spread to almost every corner of this nation as rioters attacked the focal points of our communities: our high roads and commercial centres where people socialise and do business. As a young Black British woman I am enraged to see a considerable […]

From a Soft Whisper to a Giant Roar: London Youth have been Speaking.

Less than a week before the London riots, teenager Chavez Campbell predicted the riots stating, there will be riots. There will be riots. Before that, Jody McIntyre’s Bars for Change, a short video that featured numerous grime artists challenging the power of the police aired on channel four. Durrty Goodz in the first episode made […]

What’s Really Going On?

No doubt a lot of the people involved in the looting and rioting were motivated by opportunism, some of them were only kids; literally bored thirteen year olds jumping on a bandwagon which tempted them with the promise of shiny new things. They saw that something big was happening and didn’t want to miss out. […]