A Community Research Project Focused on the Effects of Youth Violence and Crime

Between June 2019 and March 2020, You Press collaborated with the Greater London Authority (GLA) in order to deliver a follow-up community research project that focused on social inclusion, integration and developing civic leadership in communities that currently do not have a voice in City Hall.

Based on the findings from last year, ROOTS LDN 2019 focused on the communal concerns of Youth Violence and Crime. This project involved 15 researchers from the BAME demographic ranging from 16 to 30 years old. Once the data had been collected, the researchers converted their findings into original artistic responses.

Roots London 2019 Workshop

Short Video Summary of the Project

Our 15 researchers found at least five participants each to take part in the ROOTS LDN survey


Open-Ended Questions


Data Responses

The participants used their results from the surveys they carried out and turned these into creative pieces.

This included the ROOTS LDN 2019 Album


Roots LDN Album Artwork
Roots LDN Album Artwork

The participants used their results from the surveys they carried out and turned these into creative pieces.

This included the ROOTS LDN 2019 Album

Gone Too Soon by Georgia Courtney-Cox

Circle of Life or Cycle of Violence? by Merium


Heeral Sonigra

Hush of

by Amando
 Da Costa & Katherine Meji

Stella (reprise)
 by Abanoub Boctor

Me You and Us 
by Ayesha Abdul-Raheem

Can you hear?
 by Leah Patten

And This 
We Too Call Home

by Sagal Farah

Roots LDN Workshop 2

You Press are very proud of the success of the research model used in the Roots LDN Community Research project.

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in partnering up with us to deliver a similar research project in your own organisation.

© Copyright - You Press by Julius Razanauskas